Virtual Challenge Mileage Update: 90% DONE!

I started the Atleta Ako Virtual Challenge last December 8, targeting to hit 1,000 kilometers before March 8. Well, folks, it’s February 1 and I’m already 90% of the way there. It’s funny; when I first signed up I could barely wrap my head around the idea — but now I am way ahead of schedule.

The best part about virtual challenges is that you can do more than one at a time. I also signed up for the AmCham Run with a Heart for a cumulative run mileage of 21 kilometers to be done between January 14 to February 14. That’s a pretty conservative goal, but I didn’t think I was running all that much because I was doing most of my AAVC mileage on the bike. Guess what: I ended up completing the goal mileage in about 10 days.

I feel proud of myself for staying consistent enough to keep cranking out the workouts despite not really feeling all that hyped. I just either hopped on my bike or laced up for a run and then turned off my brain. I just kept going until I’d hit my target mileage for the day.

But that’s the key, anyway. Consistency rather than highs and lows of emotion will get you through the week. When I look back on my training summary for the past month and a half, I see the check marks that indicate I did a workout — whatever that workout was. Small, doable goals achieved regularly will get you to where you want to go faster than big chunks of training applied inconsistently.

While one virtual challenge is coming to an end, I will most likely be doing other fitness challenges throughout the year just as I did last year — because no matter how positively I think of it, the near future for in-person mass participation events doesn’t feel too good. Exercise is an essential need. Racing? Not so much.

Check out my vlog below:

About Noelle De Guzman

Noelle De Guzman is a freelance writer and recreational athlete with over 12 years of experience in fitness and endurance sport. She believes sport and an active healthy lifestyle changes lives.

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